
学术报告:An Organic Rankine Cycle System for Solar and Gas Thermal Power Applications

发布者:webmaster  时间:2015-12-07  浏览次数:86

时间:12月9日 周三 下午2:00
地点: 力学一楼504楼会议室
报告人:邱宽嵘 研究员

2001.2-至今:加拿大自然资源部能源技术中心(国家能源实验室)(CanmetEnergy, Natural Resources Canada),研究员 (Research Scientist)
1996.4-2001.1:瑞典Chalmers University of Technology, 博士

2001年2月起,在加拿大自然资源部国家能源技术中心工作,现任加拿大国家聘任终身研究员。从事先进发电循环,分布式供电系统新技术和高效能源利用领域的研究。在热光电新技术、ORC技术方面完成了领先的研究工作。 发表论文80余篇。部分论文见: http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Kuanrong_Qiu/publications

Advanced and hybrid power cycles; Direct thermal-to-electric energy conversion; Distributed energy systems; Organic Rankine cycles;

The ORC system investigated in this work consists of a heat source, an evaporator, an expander, a condenser, a fluid pump, a recuperator and a control unit. Since cost-effective expanders for small-scale ORC systems are not available on the market, a novel commercial refrigeration compressor was selected, modified and converted to an efficient expander. The prototype ORC unit has an electric power capacity of 1000 We. Its advantages include short start-up time, clean and automatic operation, low maintenance and very low noise level. It is well suited for small-scale solar thermal power applications or hybrid solar and natural gas energy systems. A mathematical model was established to assess the thermodynamic performance of the ORC system under various conditions.