徐 斌,工学博士,副教授
1997/9 - 2002/7, 中国科学技术大学,热能与动力工程,工学学士
1999/9 - 2002/7, 中国科学技术大学,电子信息科学与技术,理学学士
2004/9 - 2006/12,中国科学技术大学,工程热物理,工学硕士
2009/9 - 2012/6, 中国科学技术大学,工程热物理,工学博士
2020/6至今, 中国科学技术大学/热科学和能源工程系 副教授
2015/1 - 2019/9,中国科学技术大学/热科学和能源工程系 系主任助理
2009/6 - 2014/6,中国科学技术大学/工程科学学院/热物理教学实验室副主任
2007/5 - 2020/6,中国科学技术大学/热科学和能源工程系 讲师
2002/7 - 2007/4,中国科学技术大学/热科学和能源工程系 助教
2015/7-2016/7,美国普度大学Purdue University, Birck Nanotechnology Center/School of Mechanical Engineering 访问学者
1.1 电子器件/新能源电池系统的热分析与热管理
1.2 基于热控新材料的先进热设计及系统动态热性能仿真
1.3 热辐射应用研究:光子晶体、辐射致冷、光谱/方向调控
1.4 高超声速气动热预示方法及高热流密度超快捕获测量技术研究
1.5 可重复使用的兆瓦级热流结构热防护材料研究
1.6 仿生冷却与高效热界面材料研究
1.7 真空腔均热板散热技术及微通道蒸发冷凝相变传热研究
2.1 表面热辐射特性对建筑能耗及室内热环境的作用机理及影响途径
2.2 半透过表面热辐射光谱性质调控及其对建筑动态热特性的作用机理研究
2.3 智能被动式节能相变材料的理想性能参数预测与节能评价指标体系研究
3.1 离子电池电极多孔材料的传质规律研究
3.2 固态电池电解质材料的传质规律研究
3.3 液流电池电解液流动和传质规律研究
建筑围护结构热辐射特性对建筑能耗与热舒适度影响的理论与实验研究, 国家自然科学基金委资助,2016.1-2018.12
囊体表皮热辐射性能测定实验设计与测试,中国电子科技集团公司第38研究所高技术项目, 2013.6-2013.12
留空平台材料热物性测试,中国电子科技集团公司第38研究所高技术项目, 2012.7-2012.12
中国科学院,知识创新工程方向性项目,月球车环境与能源支撑系统关键技术研究,2005.1-2007.12,50万元,已结题, 参加(2/6)
1、Xing-ni Chen, Bin Xu*,Yue Fei, Gang Pei, Combination optimization, importance order of parameters and aging consequence prediction for thermal insulation coating with radiation characteristics. Energy290 (2024), 129981.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2023.129981 (1区Top, IF9.0)
2、Bin Xu*, Yue Fei, Xing-ni Chen, Xing Xie, Gang Pei, Influence of selective infrared emissivity design on the radiative cooling effect of windows: Laws exploration based on transient analysis. Energy289 (2023), 129884.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2023.129884 (1区Top, IF9.0)
3、Xing Xie, Bin Xu*, Yuan-xia Cheng, Gang Pei, New method of integrating experiment for maintaining low indoor temperature into numerical modelling: A feasibility demonstration in reduced-scale building model.Energy 284 (2023), 128579. (1区Top, IF9.0)
4、Bin Xu*, Yuan-xia Cheng, Xing-ni Chen, Xing Xie, Jie Ji, Dong-sheng Jiao, Error correction method for heat flux and a new algorithm employed in inverting wall thermal resistance using an artificial neural network: based on heat-flux meter measurements. Energy282 (2023) 128896 (1区Top, IF9.0)
5、Bin Xu*, Xing-ni Chen, Yue Fei, Wen-tao Gan, Gang Pei, Optimization the applicability of cool paint through phase change material according to the energy consumption characteristics in different regions. Renewable Energy 212 (2023) 953-971. (1区Top, IF8.7)
6、Bin Xu*, Xing Xie, Gang Pei, New method of equivalent energy consumption for evaluating thermal performance of energy-saving materials in passive buildings. Applied Thermal Engineering 230 (2023) 120774.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2023.120774 (2区Top, IF 6.5)
7、Bin Xu*, Wen-tao Gan, Yang-liang Wang, Xing-ni Chen, Gang Pei, Thermal performance of a novel Trombe wall integrated with direct absorption solar collector based on phase change slurry in winter. Renewable Energy 213 (2023) 246-258. (1区Top, IF8.7)
8、Xing-ni Chen, Bin Xu*,Yue Fei, Wen-tao Gan, Gang Pei,Parameter optimization of phase change material and the combination of phase change material and cool paint according to corresponding energy consumption characteristics under various climates. Energy 250 (2023),
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2023.127625 (1区Top, IF9.0)
9、Xing-ni Chen, Bin Xu*, Xing Xie, Gang Pei, Evaluating and optimizing the energy saving benefits of latent heat in phase change materials with new indices. Applied Thermal Engineering228(2023)120479.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2023.120479 (2区Top, IF 6.5)
10、Bin Xu*, Fei Xia, Yang-liang Wang, Xing Xie, Wen-tao Gan, A battery thermal management scheme suited for cold regions based on PCM and aerogel: Demonstration of performance and availability.Applied Thermal Engineering 227(2023)120378.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2023.120378(2区Top, IF 6.5)
11、Xing Xie, Xing-ni Chen,Bin Xu*, Yue Fei, Gang Pei, Study based on “Heat Flux - Energy Saving Pointer”: Exploring why phase change materials is not energy efficient enough on internal wall in cold region. Renewable Energy 196 (2022) 1308-1324.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2022.07.082(1区Top, IF 8.6)
12、Bin Xu*, Xing Xie, Xing-ni Chen, Implicit method for solving building heat transfer model and its application in energy-saving materials. Applied Thermal Engineering 206(2022) 118062.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2022.118062 (2区Top, IF 6.5)
13、Xing Xie, Xing-ni Chen, Bin Xu*, Gang Pei,Investigation of occupied /unoccupied period on thermal comfort in Guangzhou: Challenges and opportunities of public buildings with high window-wall ratio.Energy 244 (2022) 123186.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2022.123186 (1区Top, IF 8.9)
14、Xing Xie#, Fei Xia#, Yu-qianZhao, Bin Xu*, Yang-liang Wang, GangPei, Parametric study on the effect of radiant heating system on indoor thermal comfort with/without external thermal disturbance. Energy 249 (2022), 123708.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2022.123708 (1区Top, IF 8.9)
15、Xing Xie, Bin Xu*, Xing-ni Chen, Gang Pei, Turning points emerging in the effect of thermal conductivity of phase change materials on utilization rate of latent heat in buildings. Renewable Energy 179 (2021) 1522- 536. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2021.07.129 (1区Top, IF 8.6)
16、Bin Xu*, Xing Xie, Gang Pei, Xing-ni Chen, New view point on the effect of thermal conductivity on phase change materials based on novel concepts of relative depth of activation and time rate of activation: The case study on a top floor room. Applied Energy266(2020) 114886.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2020.114886 (1区Top, IF 9.75)
17、H Ye*, X Meng, Bin Xu*, Theoretical Discussions of Perfect Window, Ideal Near Infrared Solar Spectrum Regulating Window and Current Thermochromic Window. Energy and Buildings, Vol.49,164-172,2012.2, 共同通讯作者。
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enbuild.2012.02.011(2区Top. SCI被引125次,截至2023.12)
18、H Ye*, L Long, H Zhang, Bin Xu,Y Gao*, et al. The demonstration and simulation of the application performance of the vanadium dioxide singleglazing.Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, Vol.117,168-173, 2013.10. 被引25次(2区Top. SCI他引57次,截至2023.4)
19、H Ye*, X Meng, L Long, Bin Xu, The route to a perfect window. Renewable Energy Vol.55,448-455, 2013.7. (1区Top. SCI他引73次,截至2023.4)
20、Xing-ni Chen, Bin Xu*, Gang Pei, Optimizing the annual energy-saving effects of thermal insulation coating with radiation characteristics. Alternative Energy Sources, Materials & Technologies (AESMT’23), Volume 5, (pp.81-82) 2023. ALTERNATIVE TECHNOLOGIES, Building Materials.
21、Yue Fei, Bin Xu*, Xing-ni Chen, Xing Xie, Gang Pei, Influence of infrared emissivity inside and outside the atmospheric window on the radiative cooling effect of windows: Regularity exploration and universality verification. Applied Energy Symposium 2023: Clean Energy towards Carbon Neutrality (CEN2023)
April 23-25, 2023, Ningbo, China.
22、Xing-ni Chen, Bin Xu*, Gang Pei,Parameter optimization analysis and performance deterioration prediction of thermal insulation coating with radiation characteristics.Alternative Energy Sources, Materials & Technologies (AESMT’23), Volume 4, (pp.133-134) 2023. ALTERNATIVE TECHNOLOGIES, Energy Efficiency.
23、Xing-ni Chen, Bin Xu*, Xing Xie, Gang Pei, Optimization of phase change material thickness based on the energy saving effect of latent heat.Alternative Energy Sources, Materials & Technologies (AESMT’22), Volume 4, (pp.133-134) 2022. ALTERNATIVE TECHNOLOGIES, Energy Efficiency.
24、Bin Xu*, Xing Xie, Xing-ni Chen, Implicit methods for solving heat transfer model: Applications on phase change materials and thermochromic windows.Alternative Energy Sources, Materials & Technologies (AESMT’21), Volume 3, (pp. 61-62) 2021. ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SOURCES, Phase Change Materials (PCM) Applications.
25、Xing Xie, Xing-ni Chen, Bin Xu*, Gang Pei,Effect of cool storage zone on thermal comfort during occupancy: a case study of public buildings with high window-wall ratio in Guangzhou. Alternative Energy Sources, Materials & Technologies (AESMT’21), Volume 3, (pp. 137-138) 2021. ALTERNATIVE TECHNOLOGIES, Energy Efficiency.
26、Xing Xie, Yu-qian Zhao, Fei Xia, Bin Xu*, Yang-liang Wang, Gang Pei,Effect of surface emissivity on indoor thermal comfort with the radiant wall heating system. Alternative Energy Sources, Materials & Technologies (AESMT’21), Volume 3, (pp. 139-140) 2021. ALTERNATIVE TECHNOLOGIES, Energy Efficiency.
27、Bin Xu*, H Ye, The effects of low solar absorptivity coating on the energy consumption of a top floor room in whole year.Congress International du Froid-International Congress of Refrigeration (ICR2011) Vol.23, 3384-3394, 2011.8.
28、Bin Xu, H Ye*, Theoretical and Experimental Investigations on Applications of Thermal Insulation Coatings in Building Air-conditioning Energy Conservation,Proceedings The 22nd International Congress of Refrigeration (ICR2007), August 21-26,2007,Beijing.
29、赵玉倩,徐斌*,局部铺设热水盘管墙体辐射系统模拟及铺设面积对热舒适的影响. 中国科学技术大学学报,45(8),2015.8, 674-682
30、徐斌*, 龙林爽, 孟宪春等, 不同典型气候区内建筑屋面及外墙使用隔热涂层后节能作用的分析与评价.太阳能学报33(4), 670-676, 2012.4.他引5次(Google Scholar,截至2017.1)
31、徐斌,叶宏*,葛新石,焦冬生等,隔热涂层降低建筑空调负荷效果的参数分析, 太阳能学报Vol.27(9),857-865, 2007.9. 被引6次(Google Scholar,截至2017.1)(EI收录)
32、徐斌, 叶宏*, 张成美, 隔热涂层降低建筑顶层空调动态负荷的数值模拟,太阳能学报Vol.29(7),862-870, 2009.7. 被引1次(Google Scholar,截至2017.1)(EI收录)
33、叶宏*,徐斌,王军,叶暖强, 陶瓷微球填充型隔热涂料的有效导热系数,中国科学技术大学学报, vol.36(4), 360-363. 被引7次(Google Scholar,截至2017.1)
34、丁理峰,叶宏*,徐斌, 相变材料和隔热材料降低顶层房间空调能耗效果之比较分析,太阳能学报, Vol.30(12),1672-1677, 2010.12.被引1次(Google Scholar,截至2017.1)(EI收录)
35、叶宏*,程丹鹏,徐斌, 管壳式相变换热器贮热换热效果的数值研究,太阳能学报Vol.29(10),1499-1503,2009.10. 被引9次(Google Scholar,截至2017.1) (EI收录)
36、叶宏*,徐蒙,徐斌,葛新石, 利用单水浴法测量相变贮热材料及其构件的贮热能力,太阳能学报,vol.26(6),831-835. 被引1次(Google Scholar,截至2017.1) (EI收录)
37、叶宏*,何汉峰,葛新石,徐斌, 利用焓法和有效热容法对定形相变材料熔解过程分析的比较研究,太阳能学报,vol.25(4),488-491. 被引23次(Google Scholar,截至2017.1) (EI收录)
38、叶宏*,王军,庄双勇,葛新石, 徐斌, 定形相变贮能式地板辐射采暖系统的实验研究,太阳能学报,vol.25(5),651-656. 被引23次(Google Scholar,截至2017.1) (EI收录)
1. | 传热与传质 | 热科学和能源工程系本科生专业选修课 |
2. | Heat and Mass Transfer | 动力工程研究生专业必修课 |
3. | 动力工程专业英语 | 动力工程研究生专业必修课 |
4. | 建筑热环境 | 工程热物理研究生专业选修课 |
1. | 传热的基本原理 | 核科学技术学院本科生专业基础课 |
2. | 工程热力学B•传热学篇 | 工程科学学院本科生学科群基础课 |
3. | 粘性流体力学 | 热科学和能源工程系本科生专业限选课 |
4. | 太阳能热转换原理与应用 | 热科学和能源工程系本硕贯通专业课 |
5. | 热物理基础概论 | 热科学和能源工程系工程硕士专业必修课 |
6. | 空气调节与太阳能综合利用 | 热科学和能源工程系工程硕士专业必修课 |
7. | 热传导与热辐射系列实验 | 热科学和能源工程系本科生专业必修课 |
《NX Master FEM 热分析教程》叶宏,焦冬生,徐斌,等. 清华大学出版社,2005
《I-DEAS热分析实用教程》叶宏,焦冬生,徐斌,等. 中国科学技术大学出版社,2003
《传热和传质基本原理习题详解》葛新石,叶宏,徐斌. 化学工业出版社 2007,北京